Taking Her Research to Capitol Hill
More than 400 students applied for the 2018 Posters on the Hill, sponsored by the Council on Undergraduate Research, with only 60 selected to participate, including MU junior Sarah Gebken.
Honored Research
Thirty-eight MU students in the Psychology Honors Research Capstone attended the Midwestern Psychological Association meetings in Chicago, culminating a year-long capstone in which students conduct a study with individual faculty mentors.
Photo Opportunity
Robin Haithcoat’s artistic journey began with her taking what she considers “pretty pictures”—photos that are fun for people to look at and generally deemed acceptable by viewers and critics. That changed last year after experimenting with the subjects of her work.
2018 Undergraduate Research & Creative Achievements Spring Forum
More than 270 undergraduates will present their work at the Undergraduate Research & Creative Achievements Spring Forum on April 17, 2018.
Micro Manager
Tommi White, had two big decisions figured out by a very young age: she wanted to pursue scientific research, and she wanted to do it at the University of Missouri. White achieved those goals and is now the director of MU’s Electron Microscopy Core.
Every Picture Tells a Story
Senior Cassidy Minarik knows the struggle of finding a platform to display her art. So, when she found out about the Undergraduate Visual Art and Design Showcase, she saw it as a great opportunity to show off her creative works.
Targeting Cancer
Senior Pierce Bloebaum will take his research to Washington, D.C., this month after being accepted to participate in the Research Experiences for Undergraduates Symposium.
Planting a Seed
Senior biological sciences major Alex McClelland sees a lot more than green leaves when looking at a plant; he sees a living, complex organism with habits and functions similar to those of a human being.
2017-18 UGR Workshop Series
Our Undergraduate Research Workshop Series is back for another year! Workshops are held monthly on Mondays from 4-5 pm in 171 Bond Life Sciences Center. Check out the schedule below:
Visualizing Abolition
Visualizing Abolition maps the suppression of the African slave trade by following the correspondence exchanged between the British Foreign Office, British commissioners, minister, and naval officers, and representatives of foreign governments around the world in the 19th Century.