Undergraduate Research Assistant

Position Information

Research on Divorce and Intimate Partner Violence

Students interested in law school or graduate school who want to gain real-life research experience that intersects the discipline of family science and law are welcome. The person joining will receive training.

Job Duties

Undergraduate RAs may be involved in various activities, including gathering information on family law practices across the U.S., reviewing literature, recruiting participants, transcribing, and coding data, organizing and managing data, analyzing data, and attending regular team meetings.

Required Skills

Taken an introductory course in research methods.

Preferred Qualifications

Commitment to the position for more than one semester.

Other Comments

To apply, send a resume and brief statement describing your interests. Feel free to express interest for future semesters or with questions. Please use “Undergraduate RA” as the subject line.

We encourage students to include a resume or transcript when e-mailing a faculty mentor to apply for a posted position.