What to Expect
Each presentation session is 90 minutes in length. Students are expected to be next to their poster during the entire time to meet with individuals and present their work to interested parties. We highly encourage students to visit other presenters before and after their own presentation session.
Specific details about poster setup and the overall event will provided to the students in a confirmation email once they apply to that presentation event.
Your poster will be displayed on a ‘board and easel’ system.
We use 2 sizes of boards: 45in x 45in and 60in x 36in – there is no guarantee as to which size board you will be assigned. Push pins and binder clips will be provided for you to use.
Most conferences use boards that are 45 x 45 in size.
Many large format printers are limited to 41″ in height. Therefore, your poster may be 41″ x 45″. Check with the printing facility you will be using.
Posters may follow the format of a typical research poster. Students may opt to display a small object related to their research and scholarship on a small table next to their poster. Examples of objects may include a 3-D model of a chemical module, jaw bones of reptiles for comparative purposes, or prototypes of new designs for artificial limbs.
Students may also find that a laptop computer or iPad will provide relevant digital images or performances to their projects. Digital images should be used to illustrate examples that cannot be easily shown on a poster. These images should not take the place of a poster. [Students will not be permitted to only show digital images on a laptop in lieu of a poster. Students can use the poster space to describe the following: the context of the project, the nature of the project, the methods or experience, and results or reflections.]
Boards/Easels will be numbered for the student to find their assigned location once they check-in.
Please note: If you wish to present with anything more then a board/easel, you must let the Office of Undergraduate Research staff know well in advance so that we can see if we can accomodate your needs. For instance: proper spacing/setup, or availability of additional resources that you may require (table, electrical outlet, etc…)
For guidance in designing your poster, click here.
Many disciplines, mostly those in the Humanities, present their scholarship using a different modality – Oral Presentations. Therefore, during the Spring Forum there are some sessions specifically set aside for students who choose this mode of presentation.
Students will have 5 minutes to present their work. They may submit up to 8 PowerPoint slides to use during their presentation. (Slides to be uploaded to a specific online folder by a certain date – information provided upon receipt of the student’s Forum application.)
Oral presentations will be held in a separate room from the poster presentations.
Artistic Expression, Design & Performance Art Display Information
Many artistic expression or design projects are best displayed as the final product (i.e., fashion design on a mannequin, ceramic sculpture on a pedestal, framed painting) and may be displayed as such, along with an accompanying printed description and artist statement.
Students with performing arts projects may find that a short excerpt of the performance recorded on an iPad or laptop will complement their project poster. Some 3-D projects, such as architectural design or theater set design, are best displayed on a larger table top with accompanying printed descriptions displayed on a poster or easel or built in as part of the 3-D project display.
The Research & Creative Achievements Forum is not currently set-up to accommodate performances. Please contact the Undergraduate Research Staff if you need suggestions on how your can participate with your project in a way that can be accommodated.
How to Design a Research Poster
The Office of Undergraduate Research offers workshops each semester to help undergraduates prepare to present their research. You may find the dates/times for these in MU Engage.