Undergraduate Researcher Profile: Leah Lepore
https://youtu.be/Qxd_X3Pq3gc Leah Lepore discusses her research as an undergraduate student at Mizzou. Story by Martin Morard and Greta Ripperda Doing research for Shift Pharmaceuticals under Dr. Chris Lorson at Mizzou, Leah Lepore is working to find a treatment for Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disorder. Affecting over 2 million people globally, the disorder affects the nervous system and…

Undergraduate Researcher Profile: Vishvi Aurora
Undergraduate researcher and ambassador Vishvi Aurora takes us through her role in the King Lab with her mentors Gavin King and Sadie Nichols. As a research assistant, Vishvi is examining the relationship between proteins and membrane surfaces. She works with modern technology to define the reactions and relationships between proteins and membranes with precision. For…

Turning undergrads into accomplished researchers
Ninety-five talented students from across the nation and the globe convened on campus for MU’s Summer Undergraduate Research Program, a tradition since 2000. For nine weeks, these students researched alongside world-class faculty mentors. We recently celebrated their many accomplishments and look forward to potential research articles citing several of these undergrads as co-authors.

OUR Profile: Christopher S. Josey, Ph.D.
Undergraduate Researcher, Della Cox discusses research/creative scholarship with Dr. Christopher Josey, Professor of Communications at the University of Missouri.

2022 Mentors of the Year
Omiya Hassan and Christopher Josey were selected as the 2022 Mentors of the Year

2022 Visual Art & Design Showcase – Online Exhibition is OPEN!

2022 Spring Forum – Application Now Open
The 2022 Spring Undergraduate Research & Creative Achievements Forum application is now open. Deadline to apply is 11:59pm on March 23rd. MU’s Undergraduate Research & Creative Achievements Forum showcases student research and scholarly, creative achievements to the campus and local community. MU undergraduates from any major and all academic levels are eligible to present their work. As…

S.T.A.R. – Student Training for Advancing Research

Sparking an Interest in Research
FRIPS Program allows first-year students an opportunity to get a first-hand look at plant research at MU

Research Profile 6: Dr. Nicole Campione-Barr
Have you ever been in a fight with your sibling? Sibling squabbles can be about all sorts of different things, from fighting about who gets to use the TV to getting mad about your sibling eating all the snacks you left on that specific shelf in the fridge that no one else is supposed to…