Undergraduate Research Assistant – Preschool Math

Position Information

Job Duties

Administer cognitive assessments with preschool children
Observe preschool children and record behavior
Process data, score and check for accuracy
Participate in weekly lab meetings
Administrative tasks (e.g., filing data)

Required Skills

Driving is not required. We will typically be carpooling, so you do not have to own a car, but you can meet your carpool group on campus.
Email and verbal communication
Memorization of procedures and script
Problem solving on the spot
Attention to detail
Excellent time management
Basic proficiency with MS Word and MS Excel

Preferred Qualifications

We are interested in people with experience interacting with adults and preschool children. If don’t have that exact experience, but similar experience, and you’re a quick learner and sharp, and would like to get that experience, we will consider you too!

We are looking for:
-Experience working with children
-Excellent scheduling/time organization skills
-Attention to detail
-Communication skills – Email (daily) and oral
-Speaking professionally adults (teachers, school staff, parents)
-Desire to learn more; Inquisitive
-Ability to work with a partner or team

Other Comments

Please provide resume.
If you have references, please provide.

We encourage students to include a resume or transcript when e-mailing a faculty mentor to apply for a posted position.