Student research assistant

Position Information

The individuals will work in PI Susie Dai’s laboratory with scientists and post-docs on various projects.

Job Duties

Conduct experimental research, elaborate reports, assist with the development of manuscripts for academic journals, and other duties as assigned

Required Skills

•Preparation of solutions, dilutions and use of basic laboratory equipment.

•Critical thinking

•Good verbal and written communication 

Preferred Qualifications

•Use of optical microscope and UV-vis spectroscopy

•Worked with microbiological organism (will work on microalgae and/or fungal/bacterial cultivation)

Other Comments

Even if you don’t have any experience but you regard yourself to be self-motivated, well-organized, committed, and eager to learn, please contact PI Susie Dai @

We encourage students to include a resume or transcript when e-mailing a faculty mentor to apply for a posted position.