Research Assistant

Position Information


Job Duties

History professor is looking to hire a research assistant to help him organize a mass of digitized books and articles that he has collected over more than a decade.  Duties include 1) retitling digital files of books and articles and organizing them under both alphabetical and topical headings.  2) Working with me to develop a system of effectively cross referencing between these various sources.

Required Skills 

Careful work habits and detail orientation.  Basic familiarity in working with pdfs. Willingness to persevere with work that can be tedious in the beginning, but which will help to develop your research skills and offers substantial intellectual rewards for those who persevere.

Preferred Qualifications

Strong analytical capabilities. Preference will be given to students who are willing to make commitment to continue this work 5-10 hours a week through the entire spring semester of 2024 and possibly beyond.

Other Comments

$15.00/hour, with possible pay increase after first 16 weeks and contingent on quality of work performed, volume of work completed, and demonstration of higher-level research/analytical skills. 

Please email Professor Ted Koditschek to schedule an interview.  Attach a copy of your current resume, including your GPA as of present.  If you are a first semester Freshman, please indicate your courses and anticipated grades for FS23.

We encourage students to include a resume or transcript when e-mailing a faculty mentor to apply for a posted position.